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Dec 18, 2019 | Elevate Blog

A look back at 2019

Tags: 3D Location E911

As the calendar counts down to the end of 2019, I am impressed by the major developments that Polaris Wireless, and the broader location industry, accomplished this year:

  • Following the launch of our award-winning 3D Location Platform in March, we entered several strategic partnerships with leading application developers including Orion Labs, Mark43, and a few others to be announced in 2020, most in coordination with Samsung. We continue to work with these partners to develop joint solutions that utilize vertical location technology for mission-critical applications for public safety, hospitality, and other vertical industries.
  • Polaris Wireless participated in several panels at industry conferences this year, including IWCE, IACP Tech, NENA, and APCO. We also demonstrated our vertical location solution for the hospitality industry at HITEC. We are grateful for the compelling thought leadership provided by our fellow participants including public safety expert Eddie Reyes, Mark Pownell from Mark43, Reginald Jones from Samsung, and Greg Albrecht from Orion Labs.
  • We launched our company blog, Elevate, to share our thoughts on location technology and its impact on how we live our lives. We have enjoyed the positive feedback from our readers on topics ranging from the use of location for asset tracking, to enterprise security, insight into the FCC decision-making process, and our partnerships with cutting-edge universities. We have lots more to share with you and look forward to expanding the blog in 2020.
  • 2019 was a year of advances in the location technology eco-system, capped off by the decision by the FCC to mandate z-axis vertical location for E911 callers. Polaris Wireless is well-prepared for this and is working with wireless operators and first responders to implement this capability within the FCC’s deadlines. We are also preparing for future enhancements to this mandate, so stay tuned!
  • Finally, just this week we signed deployment agreements with three major wireless carriers for a critical use case in Latin America. Check back in January for announcements regarding this exciting new business leveraging our high accuracy location as a fundamental enabler.

As you can see, 2019 was a fruitful year for our business and I want to take a moment to thank the incredible team that drove these accomplishments, our partners for their innovative contributions, and our customers for their farsighted decision to deploy 3D location. I wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season and look forward to sharing my 2020 location industry predictions in the New Year!

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